You’re Invited To Our Complimentary Xero Seminar

Want to expand your Xero Knowledge? Join on Tuesday 7th of November, while Yohann Ryu (Xero Partner) shares his Xero knowledge and answers your questions. This is also a great opportunity to connect, share ideas and meet some other like minded business owners. Here’s what we will cover:• Helpful Xero Tips, Tricks & Updates.• Features … Read more

Adapt and Thrive Webinar: Finding Opportunities & Managing Business Risks in Tough Times

ASL's Adapt & Thrive Webinar

In recent years, every business has been impacted by change and disruptions. Finding opportunities, and planning in advance for potential business risks is essential for navigating uncertain times. Join us on Tuesday the 27th of June, at 10 am, as Louise and our expert presenters host a complimentary webinar where you’ll learn: We’ll cover everything … Read more

Fair Pay Agreements – What do I need to do as an employer?

We’ve put together, in plain English, a summary of how the Fair Payment Agreement Act will affect your business. What is a fair pay agreement? (FPA) The government is bringing in a new Fair Pay Agreement system, where employer/employee associations and unions will bargain for minimum employment terms across an occupation or industry. These organisations … Read more

AUGUST UPDATE – Work Visa’s, Environmental Accounting, Your Online Presence and more!

ACCREDITED EMPLOYER WORK VISA – NOW OPEN The third and final stage for a new simplified work visa is now live. This Accredited Employer Work Visa was introduced to help with skilled worker shortages and allows offshore migrants to apply and work for a New Zealand-accredited employer. Partners and dependents of work visa applicants are … Read more

The 2022 Budget – What’s In It For You?

What’s in the Budget for you, as Business Owners: If you are like me, I’ve been extremely worried about the Government’s spending and I was hoping to see some belts being tightened. But we also need the Government to spend, to stimulate the economy, so tightening the purse strings can upset the economy too. If … Read more

Join us for our LIFT Business Building & Mentoring Event

Register Online Are you or your business under pressure at the moment? Do you want to feel more in control of your business, with more time, knowledge, cash flow and profit? Turn your business into one that’s profitable, sustainable and enjoyable. Our Lift Practical Business Building & Mentoring Programme helps you make sense of the … Read more

What Leave Do My Employees Use? Covid, Close Contact & Support Updates

There has been quite a few updates since our last newsletter, and questions from clients about paying your employees during the Covid outbreak, this has been included in today’s newsletter as well as the following: Employee Leave and Pay Entitlements During COVID-19 As the COVID-19 cases continue to increase we are going to see a … Read more

Managing COVID-19 In Your Business

Now that Omicron is in the country and we have moved to the Red traffic light system, it’s recommended, if you haven’t already, that your business has a policy/plan about how you will protect and manage COVID-19, to ensure the least amount of disruption. It’s the best thing you can plan for because it will … Read more

Apps & Posters For The Traffic Light Framework & Support Available For Businesses

At 11:59pm tonight – 2nd of December 2021 all of New Zealand will move to the new COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic light system). You can read about what this mean’s for businesses and about the capacity limits / defined spaces in the following links:• Requiring My Vaccine Passes for Entry – How you can check … Read more

New COVID-19 Framework & Vaccination Certificates

The Government’s announcement on the next stage of the COVID-19 response plan introduces a new framework of measures that will commence when 90% of eligible New Zealanders are fully vaccinated. The new framework has three levels: Red, Orange and Green. Each has different levels of restrictions. At all levels businesses will be able to operate, … Read more

COVID Alert Level 4 Support – All The Details On What Your Business May Be Eligible For

UPDATES ON LAST WEEK’S NEWSLETTER The wage subsidy – the main points to be aware of Important note: Make sure when you complete your invoicing that the dates of your invoices are when you completed the sale/job, not dated during the Level 4 lockdown period (the 14 day period MSD is counting as your fortnight … Read more

Do We Fix Or Float? How To: For Sick Leave Changes

OUTCOME OF LAST WEEKS RESERVE BANK ANNOUNCEMENT:AUGUST OCR HIKE PREDICTION AND REDUCED ECONOMIC STIMULUS What we know…The Reserve Bank has just announced that the official cash rate will remain at 0.25%. This can be seen as the wholesale rate that the banks can borrow from the Reserve Bank at, essentially the lower the number the … Read more

Changes to Tax Rules for Property & Sick leave, KiwiSaver Contributions and Upcoming Westpac Awards

JUNE 2021 UPDATES & NEWSLETTER RESIDENTIAL INVESTOR TAX RULE CHANGESThe Government recently confirmed a few more details for the changes to tax rules for property. The news confirms that anyone who has purchased a residential investment property before 27 March 2021 will see interest deductibility be phased out between October 2021 and March 2025, and … Read more

The 2021 Wellbeing Budget – What’s in it for you?

Finance Minister Grant Robertson’s 2021 budget is a cautious balancing act between incurring further debt and increasing spending on measures designed to reduce child poverty. After the dramatic March tax announcements that caused a tailspin among property investors, Budget 2021 is silent on any significant new tax proposals. However, the Government’s Budget 2021 document refers … Read more

May 2021 Updates & Newsletter

1. NEW RULES TO KEEP CASH FLOWINGIf money is a bit tight, here are some tax measures focused on providing and enabling cashflow that you might like to consider:• The tax loss carry-back rule, which means if you’re expecting a tax loss for the year ended 31 March 2021, you might be eligible for a … Read more

Join us for our complimentary Webinar: Your Business Figures – What do they mean?

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default”] How often do you talk to your accountant and it feels like they are speaking a different language? You don’t have to be an accountant to understand your numbers, just as you don’t have to be an electrician to turn on a light. Having … Read more