Have you checked your KiwiSaver contributions for the year to make sure you will get your government contribution?
Just a reminder that if you are wanting the full government contributions to your KiwiSaver which is $521.43, you’ll need to have contributed a total of $1,042.86 between 1 July 2018 to 30 of June 2019. This doesn’t include employer contributions, government contributions, interest and any transactions under the Trans-Tasman retirement savings portability.
If you haven’t heard of this, the government are helping us save by contributing 50 cents for every dollar we put into our KiwiSaver up to a maximum of $521.43.
You can check how much you have contributed to your KiwiSaver to date by contacting your KiwiSaver provider, it’s also a great chance to check with them that your Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR) is correct.
If you won’t reach the $1042.86 from your employee deductions you can make a voluntary contribution to top this up. See more about how you can make this contribution payment here: https://www.kiwisaver.govt.nz/already/contributions/you/voluntary/
Please note it can take up to 4 days for this transaction to be processed so you will need to make this voluntary payment by the 26th of June at the latest.