Join Us For Our LIFT Introduction Event & Take Control Of Your Business

Are you under pressure in your business?
Perhaps you’re waking at 3am, worrying about all the things you need to do?

• You may be feeling stressed about irregular work or lack of cashflow.
• You may be wondering how on earth you could ever take time off when you’re the one holding things together in the business.
• You may wish you had more time and want to feel like you’re in control (rather than the business controlling you!)
• You may have realised you’re less present in your family life because the pressure of the business consumes you.

Imagine …
• Having a business that is profitable, sustainable and enjoyable
• Feeling confident about a pipeline of regular work
• Knowing you have the cashflow in your business to do more than just pay the bills each month
• Having a plan that defines where your business is going and gives you certainty about what to do next
• Knowing you’re part of a community of like-minded business owners that experience the same challenges as you.

Sounds good right?
That’s what participants in our LIFT Practical Business Building & Mentoring Programme experience.

The LIFT Practical Business Building & Mentoring Programme helps you make sense of the financials and gives you the right skills and tools to build a solid foundation for your business. It’s not just about the numbers – you’ll learn about all aspects of business including marketing, leadership, managing team roles and so much more.
While in the Programme you’ll implement the changes that make the biggest difference in your business, with a support team to guide you as you learn and grow.

We welcome you to join us for our complimentary LIFT Introduction Event:
• Tuesday 27th of August 2024 at 8:30am – A yummy breakfast will be provided

To register:
Call Monica on 03 374 9393, or email [email protected] or click here.

To learn more, or if you would like to watch a video of some previous client experiences, click here.

Please note:
There could be co-funding available to help with your training costs for your place in our 2023/2024 LIFT Business Building & Mentoring Programme – Starting October. Contact us for more information and we can give you the details for Regional Business Partners.