The Fix Up
Let us help you regain contol of your business so you can build and create wealth on your terms.
Stressed and feeling like your business is failing, you’ve got too
much to do and can’t pay your bills? Quickly resolve these issues
and get back on track with a solid plan for profit.
Accounting crises can happen in the blink of an eye. Unexpected tax payments, budget blowouts, and cashflow crunches are just some of the challenges we face from time to time in business.
The Fix Up offers you peace of mind while we set about to quickly resolve your immediate challenges before preparing a business plan to get back on track and in control, or set up for future growth so you don’t fall into the same situation again.
If you can relate to any of the following questions, then perhaps it’s time to get in touch with Accounting Solutions, specialist chartered accountants and
business advisors.
- Have you been ignoring your bookwork?
- Do you sometimes feel confused by accounting jargon?
- Do you need to generate greater cashflow but don’t know how?
- Do you feel as though you’re working hard, but not seeing the financial reward?
- Are you unsure about how your business is really performing?
With our business mentoring, we can save you time, provide peace of mind and help make your business simple, profitable and enjoyable. Gain the clarity and support you need to regain a true sense of certainty in your business.
We know the difference our work makes and it’s why we guarantee that you will make back at least 3 times the amount that you invest with us.
Every business and individual is unique – we can meet to discuss the best options and time frames for you. At Accounting Solutions, we commit to fixing your financial accounting problems within an agreed time frame and charge a fixed fee to do this. NZTE Grants may be available.